b'UNITING WIGAN Weve listened toAverage ofAND LEIGHfeedback from the50young people young people andper Junior sessiontheir parents andIn summer 2023, we partnered with Leigh Youth Hub to carers, who haveAverage ofexpand opportunities for young people in the borough. asked if we could25young peopleWigan Youth Zone staff now support Leigh Youth Hub offer more opentwice a week, running new Monday evening sessions access sessionsper Senior session and increasing capacity for Thursday night activities. during the week.As of March 2024The new partnershipThis collaboration attracted over 1,000 young people with WYZ will helpand has introduced activities for 811-year-olds. us to meet this demand and mayFunded by The Gabriel Foundation, Laltex and The also be anNational Lottery Community Fund, the partnership opportunity tostrengthens youth services in Leigh, offering a wide bring young peoplerange of free activities and providing young people with from Wigan andmore chances to engage, develop, and connect across Leigh together andWigan and Leigh.give them the chance to make new friends.- Councillor Jenny Bullen'