b"OUR YEAR IN NUMBERSFREE MEMBERSHIP VOLUNTEERING452 21,147 17,845 83 10,080members received a Free Entriesmembers receivedactivehours of free year's membership (including Holiday Club) free meals volunteers volunteeringPATHWAY 2 EMPLOYABILITY HATCH - EMPLOyABILITY 245 133 45 42Young people completedprogressed into employmentYoung people completedprogressed into the P2E Course and education within 6 months the HATCH Course employment and educationFUTURE YOU - EMPLOyABILITYENTERPRISE46 27727.51 1183.04Young people completedprogressed into raised throughwas raised through the Future You Course employment and education Mocktails & Dreams Enterprise Projects"